"The House of Commons has been raucus, unseemly and somewhat less than productive in these last number of years. I was elected three years ago today, in a by-election. I was a food bank director and professional firefighter, but nothing could have prepared me for what was about to follow. On the day I was sworn in, I was was sworn at."
"A few minutes later, I took part in my very first vote. Of all things, it was on same-sex marriage. The gallery was packed and emotions were in overdrive. To be sure, there was heckling from all sections, but it was hard to ignore the language coming from the Conservative side. I didn’t know them, hadn’t even met them yet, and already a salvo of crudity was vented in my direction. I had no way of preparing for this."
"[U]pon my arrival in the House of Commons, I suddenly felt fortunate. This was a place I greatly honoured and when I was first ushered in, I was in a state of awe.And then came this: verbal abuse, name calling, crudity. It was like I had come to the hockey rink to play some pick-up and found out I was up against the Broadway Bullies."
"A few minutes later, I took part in my very first vote. Of all things, it was on same-sex marriage. The gallery was packed and emotions were in overdrive. To be sure, there was heckling from all sections, but it was hard to ignore the language coming from the Conservative side. I didn’t know them, hadn’t even met them yet, and already a salvo of crudity was vented in my direction. I had no way of preparing for this."
"[U]pon my arrival in the House of Commons, I suddenly felt fortunate. This was a place I greatly honoured and when I was first ushered in, I was in a state of awe.And then came this: verbal abuse, name calling, crudity. It was like I had come to the hockey rink to play some pick-up and found out I was up against the Broadway Bullies."
"Well, how can we fight for justice overseas when government members can’t even call for it within their own ranks. Mr. Cotler did his job, as did the Speaker. The response? Continued bludgeoning. This is not government but goon power; it’s not accountability but assassination; not respectful government but reprobate action. There has been no refinement, no practicing of the nuances of understanding power. It goes on, as it did three years ago."
"My words here are not partisan in intent; they are human. This wasn’t the government you wanted. For three years today I have watched it escalate and watched members of all the opposition parties being picked apart by a threshing machine of negative politics. I have served three years, attempting to stay above the fray, and I’ve earned my right to my opinion. I am a member of parliament and I ask for it to be a place of honour once again."
Here's hoping, Glen. Keep up the good work, and don't ever give up.
This. Nonsense. Will. End.